How to Implement Existing Nymi Bands into Evidian Configuration

If you implement the Evidian solution into an existing Nymi environment, perform the following steps to integrate existing Nymi Band users into the Evidian systems.

NOTE: This procedure assumes that you have successfully deploy the Evidian Enterprise Access Management  (EAM) Controller and the EAM client software.

  1. Log into NES Admin Console as an NES administrator.
  2. Click Policies > Default Settings Set.
  3. If the Enrollment Destination list displays NES only,  select the NES and Evidian option.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Instruct the user to wear and authenticate to their Nymi Band.
  6. Instruct the user to log into the Nymi Band Application.  The Nymi Band Application displays a messages about saving security settings.
  7. When the Nymi Band Application update completes, log into the Evidian EAM Console.
  8. Log into the EAM Console and an EAM Administrator, select the Directory panel.
  9. Select the search request up at the top of the navigation tree.
  10. Change the object type to user and then in the Filter field, type your username.
  11. Select your user, and then select the RFID tab.
  12. Confirm that you can see entries for your Nymi Band, the following figure provides an example of what you would see:

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