NES Pre-requisite Check Fails With IIS Components Missing Error Message

NES Pre-requisite Check Fails With IIS Components Missing Error Message

NES installer pre-requisite check fails with the following error message:

IIS Installation FAILED: The Following IIS Components are missing: ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters, ASP .NET (.NET Framework 4.7), ISAPI Extensions Binaries, ISAPI Filter Binaries.


ASP.NET was not installed.


Install ASP.NET by performing the following steps:

  1. From Server Manager, select Add Roles and Services.
  2. Click Next until you reach the Server Roles screen.
  3. Expand Web Server(IIS) > Web Server > Application Development and then select the latest version of ASP.NET.
  4. Continue through the windows and complete the installation.
  5. Retry the NES installation.

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