Cannot perform re-enrollment because the NES policy settings do not allow re-enrollment of a Nymi Band that is assigned to another user.

This error message appears when a user taps an unauthenticated Nymi Band in the Nymi Band Application.


The Nymi Band is already assigned to a different user in the Nymi Enterprise Server(NES) that the Nymi Band Application connects to and the NES policy does not allow self service re-enrollment of a Nymi Band that is assigned to another user.

Resolution 1

Change the active NES group policy to allow self-service re-enrollment of the Nymi Band of another user.

  1. Log into the NES Administrator Console.
  2. Click Policies.
  3. Edit the active group policy.
  4. Select Allow a user to re-enroll / re-register to any active Nymi Band​, and then click Save.
  5. Instruct the user to attempt re-enrollment.

Resolution 2

Perform the following steps to manually re-enroll the Nymi Band.
  1. Log into the NES Administrator Console of the Enrollment NES.
  2. In the NES Administrator Console, select Search.
  3. In the Search page, select the Nymi Bands option.
  4. In the Search field, type the serial number of the Nymi Band (located on the back of the Nymi Band).
  5. Select the Domain\username link of the user to open the User Details page.
  6. Click the Serial Number of the original Nymi Band. The Nymi Band page appears.
  7. In the Nymi Band table, to the right of the Nymi Band that you want to delete, click Disconnect. On the Disconnect page, scroll down and then click Disconnect.
  8. On the Disconnect screen, scroll to the bottom and select Disconnect.
  9. Instruct the user to attempt re-enrollment again.

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