The Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint installation creates a configuration file (nbe.toml) in the located in C:\Nymi\Bluetooth_Endpoint\ folder on Windows, and the /usr/bin directory on HP Thin Pro. This file contains the default values that control BLE tap behavior with the Nymi Band and Bluetooth adapter.
- Make a copy of the C:\Nymi\Bluetooth_Endpoint\nbe.toml file (On HP Thin Pro, /usr/bin/nbe.toml).
- Edit the nbe.toml file with a text editor in administrator mode.
Edit the RSSI values in the file, as outlined in the following table.
Table 1. RSSI Values RSSI Value Default Description rssi_window_tap 10 This determines the duration the Nymi Band must be within tap-distance of the BLE radio antenna to complete a tap.
A larger value increases the duration required to perform and decrease the sensitivity.
rssi_window_long 50 This determines the frequency that Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint checks the distance between the BLE radio antenna and the Nymi Band.
Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint tracks trends in these changes to trigger a Nymi Lock Control action, such as keep unlocked when present, lock when away, or unlock when present.
rssi_tap_threshold -42 (must be 0 or negative)
This determines the range at which a tap event will occur. A smaller negative value means a closer distance to the BLE antenna. BLE tap is disabled by default (value = 0). Enter a non-zero, negative number to enable BLE tap. Nymi recommends an RSSI value of -42.
If the Nymi Band maintains a minimum distance specified by rssi_tap_threshold, for the duration of time that is defined by rssi_window_tap, a BLE tap is performed.
rssi_cutoff_close -70 (must be 0 or negative)
This determines the outer range of the close distance-threshold (excluding tap distance) for Nymi Lock Control. Enter 0 to bypass the proximity functionality of Nymi Lock Control.
If the Nymi Band maintains a close distance to the BLE radio antenna and the RSSI values measured are within the rssi_cutoff_close value, Nymi Lock Control keeps the user terminal unlocked.
If the Nymi Band moves away from the BLE radio antenna, and the RSSI values measured are on a decreasing trend and goes from the rssi_cutoff_close value to the rssi_cutoff_far value, Nymi Lock Control locks the user terminal.
rssi_cutoff_far -75 (must be negative)
This determines the outer range of the far distance-threshold (excluding tap distance) for Nymi Lock Control. If the Nymi Band moves towards the BLE radio antenna, and the RSSI values measured are on an increasing trend and goes from the rssi_cutoff_far value to the rssi_cutoff_close value, Nymi Lock Control unlocks the user terminal.
- Save the nbe.toml file.
Restart the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint.
On Windows:
- Press the Windows key on the keyboard, or click the start button on the toolbar. Enter "Services" in the search bar. The Services application window appears.
- Search for Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint in the Services application.
- Right-click Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint and restart it.
On HP Thin Pro:
- Stop the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint service by typing killall -9 nbed.
- Start the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint by typing /usr/bin/nbedstart.
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