Error logging in to NES: "Unable to load the credentials for BasicLoginWithToken due to a missing credentials file.
After you configure the nymi_agent.toml file and restart the Nymi Agent service, the Nymi Agent service stops.
The nymi_agent.log file reports the following errors:
ERROR - Error logging in to NES: "Unable to load the credentials for BasicLoginWithToken due to a missing credentials file.
If you do not intend to use an infrastructure service account please comment the credentials_location line in your nymi_agent.toml.
Otherwise, please generate the infrastructure service account login information using cryptoutil.exe"
This issue appears because the nymi_agent.toml is configured to use BasicLoginWithToken but the credentials of the Nymi Infrastructure Service Account account were not encrypted during the Nymi Agent installation.
To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:
- From the command prompt change to the
C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\Tools directory, and type the
following command:
cryptoutil.exe encrypt-service-account -i
C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\creds.text -o C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\
The Cryptoutil tool creates the following files in the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\certs folder:
- credentials-contains the encrypted credentials for the Nymi Infrastructure Service Account
- Private key
- Public key
- Permanently delete the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\creds.txt file.
- Place following files in the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\certs folder.
- CA root certificate bundle in PEM format
- Server certificate in PEM format
- Server certificate private key in PEM format
- Restart the Nymi Agent service.
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