Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint is Missing (Nymi Runtime)

Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint is Missing (Nymi Runtime)

The error message appears when the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint attempts to connect to the Nymi Agent.

The nymi_bluetooth_endpoint.log file contains the following errors:
 INFO - Joining new topic: #bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz - {}
                        ERROR - Leaving channel: bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz due to: "Channel already joined"
                        DEBUG - Replying to reference 1: Response { topic: "bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz", reference: 
                        Some("1"), payload: Object {"response": Object {"reason": String("Channel already joined")}, "status": 
                        String("error")}, event: "phx_reply" }
                        DEBUG - Send okay: ()
                        ERROR - Error in run websocket reconnect loop: ChannelError(ChannelAlreadyJoined)
                        INFO - Attempting to reconnect to Agent at ws://hostname:9120/socket/websocket...
                        ERROR - Websocket connection closed with code: Error, and reason:
                        ERROR - Error sending WS disconnect event: sending on a closed channel

The nymi_agent.log file contains the following errors:

                Start Call: Phoenix.Channel.Server.start_link/?
                Restart: :temporary
                Shutdown: 5000
                Type: :worker
                  I -- CONNECT Smith.API.APISocket
                Transport: :websocket
                Connect Info: %{}
                Parameters: %{}
                 I -- Replied Smith.API.APISocket :ok
                 E -- #PID<0.12686.4> Tried to join existing bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz
                    2024-02-16 08:54:42.147 E -- GenServer #PID<0.12686.4> terminating
                        ** (KeyError) key :bluebox_id not found in: %{}
                        (smith) lib/smith/api/channels/bluebox_channel.ex:57: anonymous fn/2 in Smith.API.BlueboxChannel.terminate/2
                        (logger) lib/logger.ex:867: Logger.normalize_message/2
                        (logger) lib/logger.ex:690: Logger.__do_log__/3
                        (smith) lib/smith/api/channels/bluebox_channel.ex:56: Smith.API.BlueboxChannel.terminate/2
                        Last message: {:join, Phoenix.Channel.Server}


This issue can occur for one of the following reasons:
  • Two user terminals have the same IP address
  • The user terminal has multiple network connections configured and the user temrinal has switched to another network and received a new IP address.


Ensure that each user terminal has a unique IP address. In the event of a network switch, restart the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint service on the user terminal.

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