Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint is Missing (Nymi Runtime)
The error message appears when the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint attempts to connect to the Nymi Agent.
The nymi_bluetooth_endpoint.log file contains the following
INFO - Joining new topic: #bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz - {}
ERROR - Leaving channel: bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz due to: "Channel already joined"
DEBUG - Replying to reference 1: Response { topic: "bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz", reference:
Some("1"), payload: Object {"response": Object {"reason": String("Channel already joined")}, "status":
String("error")}, event: "phx_reply" }
DEBUG - Send okay: ()
ERROR - Error in run websocket reconnect loop: ChannelError(ChannelAlreadyJoined)
INFO - Attempting to reconnect to Agent at ws://hostname:9120/socket/websocket...
ERROR - Websocket connection closed with code: Error, and reason:
ERROR - Error sending WS disconnect event: sending on a closed channel
The nymi_agent.log file contains the following errors:
Start Call: Phoenix.Channel.Server.start_link/?
Restart: :temporary
Shutdown: 5000
Type: :worker
I -- CONNECT Smith.API.APISocket
Transport: :websocket
Connect Info: %{}
Parameters: %{}
I -- Replied Smith.API.APISocket :ok
E -- #PID<0.12686.4> Tried to join existing bluebox:www.xxx.yyy.zzz
2024-02-16 08:54:42.147 E -- GenServer #PID<0.12686.4> terminating
** (KeyError) key :bluebox_id not found in: %{}
(smith) lib/smith/api/channels/bluebox_channel.ex:57: anonymous fn/2 in Smith.API.BlueboxChannel.terminate/2
(logger) lib/logger.ex:867: Logger.normalize_message/2
(logger) lib/logger.ex:690: Logger.__do_log__/3
(smith) lib/smith/api/channels/bluebox_channel.ex:56: Smith.API.BlueboxChannel.terminate/2
Last message: {:join, Phoenix.Channel.Server}
This issue can occur for one of the following reasons:
- Two user terminals have the same IP address
- The user terminal has multiple network connections configured and the user temrinal has switched to another network and received a new IP address.
Ensure that each user terminal has a unique IP address. In the event of a network switch, restart the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint service on the user terminal.
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