Configuring Self-Service Re-Enrollment and Self-Service Re-Registration

You can allow users to re-enroll; and in an IT/OT environment, re-register their own Nymi Band or any active Nymi Band without the need for a CWP Administrator to log in to the NES Administrator Console and delete the Nymi Band association with the user.

In an IT/OT environment, Nymi recommends that you define the same values for the options on the Enrollment NES and Registration NES.
Note: Users with HID SEOS-enabled Nymi Bands can only perform self-service re-enrollment and self-service re-registration with their own Nymi Band. To reuse an already enrolled SEOS-enabled Nymi Band, a CWP Administrator must disassociate the Nymi Band from the original user before another user can enroll or register the Nymi Band.
  1. Log in to the NES Administrator Console with an account that is an NES Administrator.
  2. From the navigation bar, select Policies.
    The Policies page appears with a table that displays a list of existing group and individual policies.
  3. In the Policies window, select the active policy.
  4. From the Enrollment / Registration Settings section, select one or both of the following options:
    Option Description
    Allow a user to re-enroll / re-register their Nymi Band Users with an active Nymi Band can re-enroll and re-register their active Nymi Band without the need for an CWP Administrator to first disassociate the Nymi Band. Users can also enroll and register to a Nymi Band that is not associated with another user.
    Allow a user to re-enroll any active Nymi Band User with an active Nymi Band can re-enroll and re-register to any Nymi Band with the exception of an HID SEOS-enabled Nymi Bands that are associated to another user in NES.

    When a user re-enrolls or re-registers to a non-SEOS-enabled Nymi Band that is associated with another user, the process removes the association with its previous user in NES.

    A user cannot re-enroll or re-register to a SEOS-enabled Nymi Band that is associated with a user, until a CWP Administrator disconnects the from the current user.

    The Allow a user to re-enroll / re-register any active Nymi Band option only appears after you enable the Allow a user to re-enroll /re-register their Nymi Band option.
  5. Click Save.

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