Reverting the Self Re-Enrollment or Self Re-Registration Configuration

Perform the following actions to modify the configuration of a policy to disallow users from performing self-service re-enrollments and self-service re-registrations.

In an IT/OT configuration, Nymi recommends that the following policy setting match on the Registration NES and Enrollment NES. In an IT/OT configuration, perform the following steps on both Nymi Enterprise Servers(NES).
  1. Log in to the NES Administrator Console with an account that is an NES Administrator.
  2. From the navigation bar, select Policies.
    The Policies page appears with a table that displays a list of existing group and individual policies.
  3. In the Policies window, select the active policy.
  4. From the Enrollment and Registration Settings section, clear the Allow a user to re-enroll/re-register their Nymi Band option.
  5. Click Save.

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