Adding Additional Users or Groups to View and Query the Audit Database

When you configure NES during deployment, you define the users or groups that have access to the NES audit log database.

Perform the following actions to provide additional users or groups access to the NES SQL database.
Note: These steps apply to an NES database that was configured to use Windows authentication.
  1. Log in to the NES server with the account that performed the NES installation and configuration.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the NES installation software.
  3. From the directory that contains the extracted NES installation package, run ..\NesInstaller\install.exe.
  4. On the User Access Control window, click Yes.
  5. On the Open File - Security warning window, click Run.
  6. If applicable, on the User Access Control page, review the Microsoft .NET EULA, and then click Accept. Complete the .NET installation and continue with the NES installation.
  7. On the Application Install Security Warning window, click Install.
  8. On the Open File - Security warning window, click Run.
  9. On the left navigation pane, click Location, and then perform the following steps.
    1. In the Install Root field, confirm that the path to the NES services is correct, as it was specified during the initial deployment.
      The default location is C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
    2. In the Instance Name field, type the descriptive name that was specified during the initial deployment for the NES web application instance name. For example, NES. See Configuration Attribute Values in the Nymi Connected Worker Platform—Deployment Guide.
      Note: Ensure that the values that you specify in the Install Root and Instance Name match the values that you specified when you deployed the previous version of NES. When the values that you specified in the Install Root and Instance Name are correct, the Location test results will show Install Type: Update/ Re-Install. If there is no match for the values entered, the Location test results will show New Installation for the Install Type. The following figure provides an example of the Location window for an NES upgrade.
      Figure 1. Update / Reinstall installation type
  10. On the Database page, click right-click in the Users table and select Add.
    The Database Credentials Editor window appears.
  11. From the Login Type list, select Auditor.
  12. In the Domain Account field, type the domain and username (or group name) of the user in the format domain_name\user_name.
  13. In the Database User field, type the name of the SQL user to associate with the user or group.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click Verify Users.
    If the NES installer finds the user or group in active directory, the message No errors found appears in the status window. If an error appears, right-click on the user or group in the Database table, and select Edit to correct the credential information.
  16. On the Install tab, click Apply Settings.
    The output displays Creating Database Auditor Login is done.

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