Installing the Nymi Runtime application with the wizard

Nymi Runtime facilitates communication between NES and the Nymi Bands.

Perform the following steps to install Nymi Runtime on each user terminal, that will run Nymi-Enabled Application (NEA).

1.  Log in to the machine, on which the Nymi Runtime is going to be installed, with an account that has administrator privileges.

2. Extract the Nymi SDK distribution package.

3. From the ..\nymi-sdk\windows\runtime folder, run the Nymi Runtime Installer version.exe file.

4. On the Welcome window, click Install

5. On the User Account Control window, click Yes  

The installation wizard appears. If the installation detects missing prerequisites, perform the steps that appear in the prerequisite wizards.

6. On the Welcome to the Nymi Runtime Setup Wizard screen, click Next.

7. On the Nymi Runtime Setup window, click Next.

8. On the Service Account window, click Next.

9. On the Ready to install window, click Install.

10. Click Finish.

11. On the Installation Completed Successfully window, click Close.

12. In the Windows Services applet, confirm that you can see the the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint and Nymi Agent services, and that the status of each service is Running.



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