Disabling Nymi Lock Control for All Users

Disabling Nymi Lock Control for All Users

Edit the active Nymi Enterprise Server(NES) group policy to disable Nymi Lock Control for all users.

  1. Log in to the NES Administrator Console with an account that is an NES Administrator.
  2. From the navigation bar, select Policies.
    The Policies page appears with a table that displays a list of existing group and individual policies.
  3. In the Policies window, select the active policy.
  4. In the Lock Control section, clear the Enable Nymi Lock Control option.
  5. Click Save.
After a user enrolls their Nymi Band, they cannot use the Nymi Band to lock and unlock their terminal.

Changing this option does not change the Nymi Band behaviour for existing enrolled Nymi Bands until the user logs into the Nymi Band Application while wearing their authenticated Nymi Band.

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