Viewing and Querying Audit Schema

Users with read access to the NES SQL database can view and query audit information by using a SQL querying tool such as SSMS or a custom-built application that is capable of running T-SQL queries.

Perform the following steps to use SSMS to view the entries in an audit schema.

  1. Open SSMS and connect to the SQL server.
  2. In the Object Explorer, navigate to your server, and open Databases.
  3. Locate the database instance Nymi.instance_name.
  4. Right-click the audit schema that you want to view, and then select Select Top 1000 Rows.
    A results window appears that displays the values for the most recent 1000 schema entries in a table.

Tracing changes in the audit tables

You can verify that the audit log table is populating with the latest values by following these steps:
  1. Enroll a Nymi Band. In the audit.NymiBand table, a series of update and create records are logged.
  2. In the NES Administrator Console, edit the properties of the Nymi Band, add a note, and then click Save.
  3. In SSMS view the Nymi.instance_name.audit.NymiBand table, confirm that an update entry appears, and that the MiscNote column displays the new note.
  4. In the NES Administrator Console, edit the properties of the Nymi Band. Do not make any changes and then click Save.
  5. In SSMS view the Nymi.instance_name.audit.NymiBand table and confirm that an update entry does not appear.
  6. In the NES Administrator Console, edit the properties of the Nymi Band, remove the note, and then click Save.
  7. In SSMS view the Nymi.instance_name.audit.NymiBand table, confirm that an update entry appears, and that the MiscNote column displays NULL.

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