Restoring the Nymi Band by Deactivating the Nymi Band
Perform the following steps in the NES Administrator Console to restore the original Nymi Band for a user who performed self-service re-enrolled/re-registration to temporarily use another Nymi Band.
In the IT/OT configuration, perform these steps on the Enrollment NES and Registration NES
- In the Search page, select the Users Option.
- In the Search field, type the full or partial username, first name, or last name of the user.
- Click Search. The Search page displays the user, or a list of users that match the search criteria.
- Select the Domain\username link of the user to open the User Details page.
On the Users page, perform the following actions:
- Click the Disconnect link beside the Nymi Band.
- On the Disassociate window, scroll down and click Disassociate.
- Select the Is Active box and (if necessary) the Is Primary box.
- Click Save. The original Nymi Band is enabled for the user. The Is Active field for the temporary Nymi Band is empty.
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