Nymi Band Does Not Charge/Fault Code 6000D Appears

Nymi Band Does Not Charge/Fault Code 6000D Appears

When the battery level of a Nymi Band has reached a critically low level, for example, when it has been off charge for a long period of time, you might observe the following behaviour:

  • When you put the Nymi Band on the charger, the Nymi Band screen flickers and the charging light on the charging cradle lights up then turns off.
  • The Nymi Band screen displays a fault code that starts with 6000D.

Perform the steps in the following flowchart to recover the Nymi Band.

*Refer to Nymi Connected Worker Platform—Deployment Guide for information about how to reinstall the Nymi Band firmware.

If the results of your workflow indicate that you should file an Return Merchandise Authorization(RMA) request, provide the Nymi Band that is not working to your inventory manager, and contact Nymi Customer Support.

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