(Nymi Band 3.0 only) Troubleshooting Liveness Detection Failures

(Nymi Band 3.0 only) Troubleshooting Liveness Detection Failures

If the liveness detection fails, review the following information to resolve the issue.

Ensure that:

  • Bottom sensor is clean and dry.
    • If the bottom electrode is dirty, clean with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe, allow it to dry completely, and then retry authentication.
    • If the bottom electrode is wet, dry completely with a lint-free towel, and then retry authentication.
  • User’s finger is clean and dry.
    • If the finger is dirty, clean the hands and allow them to dry completely, and then retry authentication
    • If the finger is too dry, rub some lotion well into the finger, and then retry authentication.
    • If the finger is too wet, rub the finger with an alcohol wipe or with hand sanitizer, allow the finger to dry completely, and then retry authentication.
  • User keeps their finger still on the sensor and bezel during the authentication period.
  • User's wrist is not too dry. Before authentication, wash and completely dry the wrist before putting on the Nymi Band, or rub some lotion well into the wrist, and then retry authentication.
  • Nymi Band bottom electrode remains in contact with the wrist during the authentication period. If the position of bottom electrode prevents contact, remove the Nymi Band, reposition the Nymi Band on the wrist, and then try authentication again.
  • User does not lift their finger off the sensor or bezel until the authentication process completes.
  • Nymi Band fits snugly on the wrist and does not move around during the authentication process.
  • User's wrist is not tattooed where the bottom sensor makes contact.
    Note: If the user cannot use another wrist or the Nymi Band cannot make contact with an area that is not tattooed, instruct the user to authenticate by corporate credentials.

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