Troubleshooting Fingerprint Mismatch Failures

If the fingerprint authentication fails, review the following information to resolve the issue.

Ensure that:

  • Fingerprint sensor is clean and dry.
    • If the fingerprint sensor is dirty, clean with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe, allow it to dry completely, and then retry authentication.
    • If the fingerprint sensor is wet, dry completely with a lint-free towel, and then retry authentication.
  • User does not press too hard or too soft on the fingerprint sensor.
  • User’s finger is clean and dry.
    • If the finger is dirty, clean the hands and allow them to dry completely, and then retry authentication.
    • If the finger is too dry, rub some lotion well into the finger, and then retry authentication.
    • If the finger is too wet, rub the finger with an alcohol wipe or with hand sanitizer, allow the finger to dry completely, and then retry authentication.
  • User places their finger on the centre of the sensor, touching the surrounding bezel.
  • User keeps their finger still on the sensor and bezel during the authentication period.
  • User does not lift their finger off the sensor or bezel until the authentication process completes.
  • User wears the Nymi Band snugly on the wrist.
  • User wears their own Nymi Band.
  • User attempts authentication with the same the finger that they used during enrollment.
  • User finger is not damaged, for example the user has cut their finger.
    Note: If the finger that is used for authentication is damaged, consider one of the following actions:
    • Instruct the user to authenticate by corporate credentials until the finger heals.
    • Delete the user data on the Nymi Band, and then perform re-enrollment with a different finger.

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