Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint Status Indicator

Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint Status Indicator

In Connected Worker Platform(CWP) 1.19.0 and later, the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint installation, includes the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint Status Indicator application.

The Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint Status Indicator is an application that runs in the system tray and provides you with the following features:

  • Visual method to determine the state of the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint service
  • Ability to troubleshoot issues with the state of the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint without reviewing the log files
  • Ability to restart the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint with a user account that does not have local administrator privileges to the user terminal.

One of two system tray icons appear for the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint Status Indicator:

Icon Description
This failure icon appears when the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint encounters one of the following issues:
  • Cannot connect to the Nymi Agent.
  • Cannot connect to the Bluetooth adapter.
  • State of the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint service is Stopped, Disabled, or Manual (and not started).
This success icon appears when the all the following conditions are true:
  • The Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint can connect to the Nymi Agent.
  • The Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint can connect to the Bluetooth adapter.
  • The state of the Nymi Bluetooth Endpoint serivce is Started.

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