The error message appears in the nymi_agent.log file when the Nymi Agent service starts. The Nymi Agent also stops running.
The nymi_agent.log file contains the following messages:
I -- Logging in to NES using service account with username: nymi_infra_service
E -- "Error logging in to NES: "Basic Authentication error: \"Perform basic auth on {url} with username and password.\"
E -- WebAPI Start failed: Check WebAPI settings and restart
Cause 1
Misconfigured Nymi Infrastructure Service Account account username or password.
Resolution 1
To resolve this issue, perform the following steps on the centralized Nymi Agent server:
- In the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent folder, create a text file named creds.txt that contains two lines with the following values:
- Username of the Nymi Infrastructure Service Account
- Password of the Nymi Infrastructure Service Account
- Open a Command prompt with the Run as Administrator option.
- From the command prompt change to the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\Tools directory, and type the
following command:
cryptoutil.exe encrypt-service-account -i C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\creds.text -o C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\
The Cryptoutil tool creates the following files in the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\certs folder:
- credentials-contains the encrypted credentials for the Nymi Infrastructure Service Account
- Private key
- Public key
- Permanently delete the C:\Nymi\NymiAgent\creds.txt file.
Cause 2
Misconfigured directory_id value in the nymi_agent.toml file.
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