Wearable device is unreachable. Please make sure it is on or activated

This error message appears when you attempt to tap to unlock a user terminal with an enrolled Nymi Band or when attempting to perform an SSO action.

Cause 1

  • The ManageAccessPoint registry key is not configured correctly on the client.
  • The environment uses a centralized Nymi Agent but the Nymi Agent URL definition is incorrect.

Resolution 2

To resolve this issue, perform one of the followings on the Evidian EAM Client and the Evidian EAM Controller:

  • Correct the ManageAccessPoint registry key Evidian EAM Client and the Evidian EAM Controller:
    1. Run regedit.exe.
    2. Navigate to HKLM\Software\Enatel\Wiseguard\FrameWork\Config\.
    3. Edit the ManageAccessPoints registry key is set to 1.
    4. Restart the Enterprise Access Management Security Services service.
  • On the client, perform one of the following actions:
    • Correct the NymiAgentUrl registry key:
      1. Run regedit.exe and navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Enatel\WiseGuard\FrameWork\Authentication.
      2. Ensure that the value in the NymiAgentUrl is correct. The format of the NymiAgentUrl is ws://agent_server_FQDN:9120/socket/websocket
    • Correct the nbe.toml file.
      1. Edit the C:\Nymi\Bluetooth_Enpoint\nbe.toml file.
      2. Ensure that the agent_url value is correct. The format of the agent_url is agent_url='ws://agent_server_FQDN:9120/socket/websocket'

Cause 2

The nymi_api.dll file in the Evidian client folder was not replaced with the version of the nymi_api.dll file that is included in the Nymi Runtime software that is installed on the user terminal.

The following error appears in the WGSS log file:

                WearableExtension.cpp         :0667:                  <- CWearableExtension::GetKey returned: 0x82002303
                AutoLock.cpp                  :0178:                  CS Unlock(WEProtectDll)
                WearableContext.cpp           :0486:               <- CWearableContext::ConnectUserWearableDevice returned: 0x82002303
                CryptoToken_Wearable.cpp      :0217:            <- CCryptoToken_Wearable::SetAuthenticationData returned: 0x82002303
                CryptoToken.cpp               :0055:            --> CCryptoToken::~CCryptoToken(), this=0xc14ef750
                TokenManager_Software.cpp     :1481:         <- CTokenManager_Software::GetTokenFromAuthenticationToken returned: 0x82002303
                FmkSvc_TokenManager.cpp       :1394:         InternalGetTokenFromAuthenticationToken failed with code=0x82002303

The following error appears in the nymi_api.log file:

sending update to nea {"operation":"get_symmetric_key","exchange":"90","status":2000,"payload":{},"error":{"error_description":"Request made with invalid parameters.","error_specifics":"For key: key_id, Error: Could not decode input to 16 byte array."}}

Resolution 2

  1. Rename the nymi_api.dll in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Evidian\WGSS.
  2. From Windows explorer, navigate to Nymi SDK installation package.
  3. Copy the ..\nymi-sdk\windows\x86_64\nymi_api.dll file to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Evidian\WGSS.
  4. Log in to the Evidian EAM Management Console.
  5. Click Account and access rights management .
  6. In the left navigation pane, expand Domain > Computers, and then select the terminal, as shown in the following figure.
  7. On the Actions tab, select Delete cache files, and then click Apply.The cache files are deleted on the terminal and the terminal desktop locks.

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