Configuring Additional EAM Primary Administrators

Configuring Additional EAM Primary Administrators

Nymi strongly advises you to add additional administrators to the Evidian EAM Controller.

By adding at least one additional auxiliary primary user, you ensure that you have full access to the Evidian EAM Controller in the case where the primary administrator is locked out of the Evidian EAM Controller, for example, if the password of the primary administrator changes.

  1. Log into the Evidian EAM Management Console and click Accounts and access rights management.
  2. From the File menu, select Configuration, and then click the Primary Administrators tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. In the Select Users window, select the Search tab.
  5. In the Filter field, type the user name that you want to add, and then click Search.
    Note: You cannot use Active Directory groups, you can only add individual users.
  6. Select the user, and then click OK.
    The following figure provides an example of the screen with one auxiliary primary administrator.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Close the Evidian EAM Management Console.

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